Love and Betrayal
Rating: PG13 (Just To Be Safe)
Content: The Rare Naughty Word
Spoilers: Not Really. I Am Just Picking At Different Stories Lines
Summary: I Need Some Help on This One... Basically The Hardy's Have a Sister And She Can Never
Keep Love Without Having Betrayal
Update: Nov, 2003
Rating: R!!!
Content: If you have seen "The Osbournes" you know...
Spoilers: Not really sure at this point in time.
Summary: You know they always said "Opposites attract," but this story shows just how true
that really is! Set in the house of The Osbournes, a new girl, Alexis, Kelly's friend, explains her life living with the Osbournes.
Updated: November 11, 2002
Dedicated to my fellow sister Raye Bloom.
The Fast and The Furious and the Unknown Sister
Rating: PG-13
Content: The Fast and the Furious cast
Spoilers: Only if you haven't seen the movie.
Summary: This is my version of how I would have liked the movie to have been. It basically
is the movie but added one character. If you don't like that sort of thing, than don't read!
Updated: May 23, 2005