Ms.Trepe talked for a few more minuted but Carion was no longer paying attention
to her. Instead, her gaze wandered back to the grinning young man. "Seifer Alamasy", she mumbled his name to herself.
He didn't seem to be a mean or dangerous person... but she hadn't been in the garden long enough to know. Seifer began to
laugh quietly, obviously amused with Ms. Trepe's actions. He didn't seem to care in the least that she called him and enemy,
Carion was confused. To be late was one thing, but to be an enemy and not care was downright awful. Her eyes stayed on him,
praying he made no sudden movements.
After laughing again, Seifer looks back over at Carion. The same gorgeous
sapphire eyes met his own. She shuddered a bit but then began to loosen up because she could sense no danger in him. "An enemy...him?
Oh I just don't know. He seems kind to me..." Carion's thoughts continued on and were soon broken by Quistis.
"Students, because of the current event, I am dissmissing the class so I
mayspeak with Seifer. We will meet at normal time tomorrow. You are dissmissed." Not knowing what dissmissed meant, Carion
watched as Seifer walked over to Quistis and began to talk."Well Seifer, it seems you are back in my class. I still think
Squall has lost his mind, but nevertheless... You will get no special treatment from me and you will abide by my rules. Am
I clear?"
Seifer grinned, "Of course Quistis. What else would I do?" His deep voice
gave Carion chills, and it seemed that his sarchastic words had thrown the instructor into an absolute rage. Her expression
became hard and a red tint crept into her skin. Carion then became even more confused when she saw that Seifer was even more
amused with Ms. trepe's anger. He began to laugh again as if to mock her.
"Seifer! That is enough! From now on you will call me either instructor
or Ms. Trepe. We had best be clear!" Ms. Trepe's tone had changed drastically. Her anger and frustration were quite evident.
She turned to walk out and finally noticed Carion. A smile quickly appeared on her face and she walked over to the desk."Carion,
I am so sorry I forgot about your circumstances. When I say that you are dismissed it means that class is over for the day.
You may go back to your dorm or take a look around campus." Her smile brightened as Carion rose from her seat and headed for
the door. At the last second Carion whirled around.
"Oh, thank you instructor. Class seems to be quite interesting. Perhaps
you'll be able to show me how to use that thing at my seat." Carion gave a quick wave and walked out. "Hmmm, a tour of campus.
That sounds nice, but I think I'll go to my room first.",she thought. As Carion waited patiently for the elevator, she suddenly
had the feeling she wasn't alone. Quickly she whirled around where her eyes met with the large, built torso of Seifer Alamasy.
Slowly Carion rose her view to his face revealing his amuzement of her surprise. Seifer's eyes sparkled with a look of anticipation
as if he were waiting for her anger or distaste. Although she was somewhat uncomfortable, Carion managed to speak with ease."So,
you are Seifer Alamasy? I'm not sure why the instructor doesn't like you, but I will have to judge you for myself". She stopped
for a moment to think carefully about her words. Being he was an "enemy" of Garden, or atleast of the instructor, she didn't
want to cause a conflict for herself.
As she pondered on what to say next, the sound of a bell and the
opening doors helped her some. Within seconds she had walked into the elevator ignoring Seifer's stare and pushed the first
floor button. Watching the doors slowly close she caught a glimpse of Seifer's stunned face. Thinking she was in the clear,
Carion leaned back against the wall and gave out a sigh. "Peace at last", she muttered to herself. Yet the peace was all to
quickly broken as a hand stopped the doors at the last second and helped them back open. Seifer, who seemed a bit aggravated,
stepped in and then leaned against an adjacent wall. All Carion could do was stand there afraid to even move. She soon loosened
up as he began to talk.
"Well, you seem to know my name, but I regret to say I haven't had the pleasure
of being told yours." His voice trailed off as he looked intently at Carion waiting for an answer. She didn't really want
to speak to him, but decided that it may make the situation better.
"I am Carion Valeheart, although I can't tell you much more than that..."
She lowered her eyes slightly embarrassed and continued on."You see, Squall found me on the shore a few days ago.
I have no memory except for my name. I'm very fortunate that I was accepted as a student here." A sadness crept over
Carion as she thought about how ridiculous this all sounded. She brushed back a solitary tear and was surprised to look
up into sympathetic eyes. Seifer took a slow step forward and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. At first she shuddered,
but then realized there was no need.
"Well, if it makes you fell any better, I was also lucky to be accepted
again. Except it would have been my own fault if I hadn't been. Perhaps I'll tell you about it if we ever get to
know each other better as friends.I still have regrets and it happens to be a particularly hard subject for me now." He grew
silent and for the first time Carion saw Seifer's eyes hit the floor."Well, it was nice to be your aquiantance Carion.
I hope I have the pleasure of speaking with you again." With those words the doors open and he turned and walked off.
Carion stepped out of the elevator and stood stunned by Seifer's kind words."Him,
an enemy?", she thought. Slowly she walked down the steps and seconds later she was knocked to the ground with a young boy
beside her. The boy quickly scrambled to his feet and offered to help her up. He seemed much younger than herself, but
she let him lend her a hand. As she was brushing herself off she heard an agitated voice over the crowd.
"David, how many times have I told you? No running in the main walkway of
the garden." When Carion looked up she was greeted by a nod from a strangely familiar man. A tattoo adorned the left
side of his face. Although she couldn't recall a name, she recognized him somehow."Are you alright Carion? He's been training,
but he knows better than to run." Carion began to blush slightly as the memory of her sprint to class invaded her thoughts.
She nodded to the man and turned to walk to her dorm. "Carion, wait will ya? David you can go on, but NO more running."
Carion turned in time to see the young boy nod and sulk off in the opposite direction."I forgot to mention how I
know you. I was with Squall and Rinoa when they found you on the beach. I'm Zell Dinct, Garden's martial arts extordinare
and current security. In the halls anyway..." His voice trailed off as he smiles and reached out his hand to shake.
As Carion shook Zell's hand, a flashback
of the beach flooded her mind. She lie there barely conscious and she hears a voice."Squall, Rinoa, get over here quick.
We have a current severe damsel in distress." Her body is lifted and then carried into the grass. Zell checks for
her pulse while Rinoa uses Cure on her oever and over. Squall had run off and drove up with the Garden van."Thanx
Squall, let's get her back and let Doc. Kadowaki take a look. I hope she'll be alright."
Suddenly she flashed back to reality and seemed to have let go of
his hand. She shook her head and then looked up smiling."Sorry Mr. Dinct, I just had a memory. So you were the one who discovered
me. Thank you for reacting so quickly." Carion looked up and saw that he too was smiling.
"It was nothing. By the way, call me Zell. My girl Amanda is the main librarian.
If ya ever need help in there just ask." He then quickly pointed in the direction of the library and began to blush a bit.
"Ok Zell, thank you. I do have a question at the moment. Could you
by any chance tell me about Seifer Alamasy? You see, I'm in instructor Trepe's class and happened to hear her tell Squall
he was an enemy." Curiously she looked up and was shocked to see that his expression had drastically changed. He seemes hesitant
to even answer her question.
"Well Carion...that happens to be a rather long story. I don't have time now
'cause I've got work to do. Maybe I can talk to you about it another time." Zell then quickly made his way down the walk to
the cafeteria. He hadn't even bid her farewell.
Carion was stunned for a moment but then quickly shrugged it off and went
to her dorm. Walking into the room, Carion discovered a set of absolutely awesome clothes lying on her bed. The pants were
black leather and a blue tank was there beside them. Hanging on her door was the best part, a black coat with a silver and
blue dragon imprinted on the back. She took the coat off the door and as she was touching the dragon the memory came
again. There she was on the shore and this time she could see that the clothes here were the ones she was found in. The
scene played out the same but at the end Carion was startled by the quick flash of a large fire based dragon with glowing
As she came out of the trance-like state she found herself hugging the dragon
to her chest. Carion had never been more confused than she was at the moment. Shrugging it off, she quickly changed and
was on her way to the training center. Through this memory she had recalled that fighting eased her mind and allowed her to
think. She had to do anythjing to figuire out what to do next. As she walked up to the green colored entrance all she could
see was the flaming red dragon. Then next thing she knew, Carion was standing in front of a set of twin metal doors. Next
to the bars that connected them stood a tall, handsome, brown-haired man. As she approached he looked up and smiled brightly.
"Hey, and you are?" He looked at Carion curiusly and all she could figure was that he knew everyone.
"I'm Carion Valeheart, and I was accepted as a student just recently. May
I ask who you may be?" She raised her eyebrow curiously and waited for him to respond.
"Of course you may ask. I'm Irvine Kinneas, the current training helper.
I have to warn you that our training center can be quite dangerous, but I am always here. If you're ever in danger
just yell my name, which seems like a possibility for you not having a weapon." He smiled kindly and Carion knew he meant
no offense by his words. She nodded in response and then spoke withoit thinking.
"Yes, that's very true. My sword happens to be lost at sea just as I was,
but don't deem me helpless. I happen to be rather good at hand on hand combat. I do thank you for your cojncern." As Irvine
nodded, Carion made her way through the large iron door. "My swords lost at sea? Where'd that come from? What sword?", she
thought to herself. Walking through the training center, Carion stumbled across a few Grats, but otherwise nothing threatening.
That was until she was nearing the other iron door.
Carion slowly walked to the door but suddenly spun around from the sound
of rustling behind her. Nothing prepared her for the large boom that echoed from behiond her. As she turned around her eyes
passed over the hard scaly skin of a T-Rexaur. Carion only got halfway turned around when the giant lizard lashed out with
it's tail sending her flying. In fear, she made a last resort attempt as the creature bent down to devour her and she
closed her eyes. "IRVINE!!! HELP!!!!"
End of Chapter 2
(Well, that's Chapter 2. I hope you like it so far. I apologize for how long it took
to put it up. I'm working on 3 now so keep checking. ~Karen~)