As Carion crouched closer to the ground, a gunshot rang through the air.
With her eyes still closed she ran to where the sound had originally come. Behind her the T-Rexaur was lashing about in anger
and pain. The next sound she heard was a loud boom, and a now sleeping T-Rexaur. Relieved, Carion opened her eyes just in
time to see Seifer as she bowled him over.
The two rolled and eventually
came to a stop at Irvine's feet. Irvine Kinneas stood above them, his jaw ready to hit the floor. Never had he seen Seifer
help anyone other than Edea. In fact, he didnt know that Seifer was back in the first place. The look of fright and confusion
startled Carion as she looked up into Irvine's face. Was he too against Seifer, thinking of him as an enemy? Which man had
shot the large beast that lay behind her? She knew Seifer used a gunblade, but could it have actually put the T-Rexaur down?
Her eyes had been closed and she hadnt seen a thing.
Finally Carion realized
that she still lay on top of Seifer and quickly jumped to her feet. As she looked down at him, Seifer began to laugh. Uneasily,
Carion tried to apologize. "Sorry about that Seifer. I...I was so caught up in getting away from the T-Rexaur that I didnt
pay attention. Umm, can I help you up?" She slowly reached out her hand and hoped he wouldn't hold this incident against her.
Seifer's hand reached up and gently took her hand only to yank her back down on top of him. "Hey!! What was that for?" The
only response she received was a large grin and a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
"Ugh!" This time Irvine helped her up and flashed Seifer a disgusted look. Carion backed away and watched as Seifer vaulted
himself off the ground. Quickly, Irvine stepped in front of her as a shield. She now knew the answer to one of her many questions;
Irvine did think of Seifer as and enemy, just like Ms. Trepe.
"Seifer Alamasy how dare
you show your face around the garden. Your valiant save of Carion will serve as no confirmation of a change. In fact, I find
it rather stupid to even try. Why are you here? I'll talk with Squall, but you need to leave campus. Thank you for helping
her, but that is all." Irvines tone was unwavered as he spoke. Seifer almost
seemed hurt, but replied strongly.
"Oh Irv, Squall knows I'm
here. He is the one who re-admitted me into the garden. Please dont talk about me like that in front of her. I know I did
some awful things, but it wasnt my fault. Even Squall understands that is was mostly Ultemecia's mind control. How could I
really turn my back on any of my close friends? Were all like family; me, you, Sephie, Quisty, Zell, and Squall. We go way
back. When all that happened I forgot that Edea was matron." As Seifer turned around to leave Carion caught a glimpse of a
single tear trace a path down his cheek.
When Seifer had gone, Irvine
turned around and smiled at Carion. Shocked by what went on, he couldn't find the words to comfort her. Almost being eaten
by a T-Rexaur was enough to scare someone to the point that they couldn't speak. On top of that, to have a run in with Seifer
Alamasy. Everyone who was atleast six or seven had to remember Seifer's protection of the sorceress. She who was first Edea
and now lived in Rinoa. Ultemecia, she just had to be gone. The entire group of them had had defeated her. Although, Carion
did seem rather odd. "Ultemecia", he said not even realizing it. He looked at Carion, and then it hit him that she hadn't
reacted at all. Then Irvine thought back to Seifer. "Hmm, has he really changed?"
Seconds later he flashed
back to reality and walked to Carion's side. Looking at her arm he could see a thin tear in her sleeve and the blood that
was seeping through. "Carion, perhaps you should drop by Dr. Kadowakis office. Youve got a pretty nasty wound there." He touched
her shoulder and she nearly jumped out of her skin. "You okay? Seem a bit jumpy there doll." Carion turned to Irvine and smiled
trying to hide her surprise and confusion. It didn't help though, he saw straight through her charade.
"I.. I think Im ok. Just
a bit shocked, mainly because the gardens so-called enemy just saved my life. In fact, I saw tears when he left." Then she
shook her thoughts away and felt a great pain in her arm. "Ok OW!!" Carion grabbed her arm and started walking away. "Dr.
Kadowaki it is. Thanks for your help Irvine. Ill be back in soon to train. It seems Im a tad rusty." She then turned back
around and continued on her path to Dr. Kadowakis office. The entire way Carion was in a daze thinking about what was happening.
Her thoughts were all she heard. "Seifer Alamasy saved me? This is so confusing. Should I thank him, tell Squall, or just
leave it alone? Ok this is really hurting."
When Carion snapped back
into reality she stood before Dr.Kadowaki. The doctor seemed extremely panicked and worried. "Carion?! Hello? Are you ok??"
The next thing Carion knew she was being shaken a bit violently. "Please child, answer me!!"
"Sorry Dr. Kadowaki, I'm
a bit out of sorts. I think I'm alright other than the blood flowing from my arm. It kinda hurts." She giggled nervously and
watched as Dr, Kadowaki nodded and walked to some cabinets.
"You had me worried there
for a moment. I began to think you were lost in that pretty little head of yours. I was yelling for atleast five minutes.
So, how did you get this nasty wound? It seems as though you were gashed by a weapon." Looking at her arm Carion could see
what the doctor meant. Her coat arm was drenched in blood.
"Well, I was in the training
center. A T-Rexaur attacked me, and if it werent for Seifer Alamasy..." Dr. Kadowaki cut her off quickly.
"Seifer Alamasy?! What
did he do to you? Was this his fault?" As Carion looked down at her fully dressed wound she shook her head and walked to the
"No, you've got it all
wrong. Seifer Alamasy saved my life. If it weren't for him I would most likely be dead now." As she walked out, Carion could
see the shocked face of yet another person. Dr. Kadowaki had a look of pure surprise and almost collapsed.
As Carion
walked out into the main hallway she heard man excited voices and saw people running to the garden entrance. Curious, she
took off after them and stopped when she came to the edge of the crowd. At first she could only hear the voices talking about
something that was found. Seconds later a bright light emitted from the crowd and the people jumped back and screamed in surprise.
Only, Carion didnt notice them. She was too busy following the beam of light that shown on her wound to its source. Then she
saw exactly what they had found.
End Of Chapter 3