I was born in 1740. When I was a small girl I remember having a vivid imagination. Or, at least what I do
remember of my mortal life. It was short, about fourteen years. Not very long you see, but full of life's choices and problems.
By the age of five I had started in an academy. I was a smart child, my parents loved to brag. Sadly, I barely remember them.
Yet, I do remember their names, Charolette and Joseph, such beautiful names. Such wonderful people too. There were a lot of
the normal teenage problems around the years of thirteen and fourteen. Not serious, but nevertheless problems. Well, to get
to the change, it was after a ball and I started to walk home. I lived less than a mile away and I had walked the path many
times before. Yet, that night something different and frightening happened. I was about halfway home when I sensed someone
following me. A strange presence though, I had never been followed. No one but me knew about the path I took home. So, of
course, I became frightened. I stopped in my step to listen but didn't hear a thing. So instead of walking I ran out of sheer
fright. Though I didn't get too far for the thing caught me easily with a few strides and knocked me to the ground. I began
to cry and beg for it to spare my life. By the look on it's face I could tell it was finding my pleading amusing. Yet for
some reason it did spare me. Unfortunately, it took me to it's lair.
I had heard of "Vampires" before but I had never believed it. I thought it was just a tale the adults of the
town told the children to keep them from staying out late. As I sat there in silence I looked around a room of red velvet
curtains and satin sheets. The most expensive and fine items found the world over. I was quite impressed but, I had no desire
to stay. If only the door to the chamber hadn't been locked, I would have been on my way. Yet misfortune had struck me again.
Realizing I would be in this cell for a while I decided to take a more detailed look of the room. While searching I found
a fascinating book collection. Famous books, and quite old for that matter. It wasn't a collection you'd see every day. Most
were horror, books of the Dark Arts and ancient monsters. No love stories or fairy tales, it was obvious this thing was not
a reader of happy moments. At first I had decided not to read the books, but about an hour later I did out of pure boredom.
The books were very detailed and interesting I read a few lines and as if pulled by a force I couldn't quit. The atmosphere
in the room seemed to envelope me and I couldn't pull away. I read book after book, some about vampires, others about witches
and monsters such as Moloch and Nakida. Time seemed to pass all to quickly as I sat there reading, before I knew it the sun
had reached the horizon. The room became darker by the second, and as it reached complete darkness I searched for a candle.
It took me a while, but I found one. Though as soon as I started to light it the creature entered the room. He walked strangely
with fast strides I couldn't see. It was obvious in every manner that this human looking creature was no where near mortal
existence. I cowered in a corner doing my best to keep the greatest distance between us as I could. He was a tall thin man,
white blond hair of the softest shade. He was quite handsome, he stood tall. His eyes had a soft look to them, as if to tell
me not to fear. Though no matter how I tried, I could not cease to be frightened.
We sat there for a sum of perhaps ten minutes, though it seemed hours. Finally he spoke, I remember his words
clearly. As if it was only yesterday...
"I've watched you from afar. You are not like the others I have seen or killed. I am the plague that has been
striking your town. Or at least as your fellow villagers have defined me. I have a great interest in you. That is why I have
brought you here, to speak to you and find out what is new in this time and age. I want to understand how to live and how
to use currencies. I have lived in the dark and now I want to walk among mortals. I am tired of living alone."
He paused for a long second, and by the look he gave I knew what he meant to do. As soon as I figured what
he planned I shrank back, not wanting him to come nearer. Yet, it wasn't my choice. He took less than a second to come up
to me and embrace me in his arms. He held me as if I were his dearest love or a child. Looking at him act this way gave me
a great chill. I couldn't help but shiver in fright. He gently kissed my cheek, and then gave a faint and pleased smile.
"My dear love, I want you to spend eternity with me. Keep me company so I will no longer be lonely. I hope
it is not to much to ask, but I need you. Yet, if I can't have you for mine own I will make sure no one else will. So....,
what is your choice." He looked at me waiting patiently, giving me time to think. I didn't want to make a choice like this
in such short time but I knew I had no choice in this situation. I took a short time to think it through. I was at an age
that I was terrified of dying, so I easily made my choice. I replied with a sentence of few words.
"As you wish, I have no will to die so do with me what you please." With that consent he used his right. It
was a slow and very painful process. All he told me was to beware the pain and stay awake. He drained my blood to the very
brink of death and then said to me,"Drink of my blood and live. Don't and suffer a great death." So with my last ounce of
strength I drank. He slashed his wrist and out came a flood of crimson. I latched on and filled my body with the warm fluid.
Not wanting to stop, I wouldn't let him free. So with all his power he pushed me to the side. Yet, with as much force he put
on me, he did his best to do it gently. I begged for more but he shook his head and replied softly,"No my love, that is enough.
You may feed later if desired but not on me. For I will surely perish if you do." With that response he lifted me to my feet
and guided me down a long corridor.
After a few twists and turns we came to a dimly lit room. It contained no windows and was very musty and humid.
I saw a coffin in the center of the room. I had no need to ask why it was there, for I had learned about it in the many books
I read in my time locked in the luxurious cell. This room was remarkably different from the one I had spent time in before.
There were carvings on the walls that seemed to tell a story. The pictures were quite unique and very detailed. While I was
looking around he spoke to me.
"This is our living quarters. You must return always before sun rise. If you don't you will die. I know you
have heard of being killed by stakes and holy water, but that is a bunch of stories. Not a bit of it is true. The only way
we can truly die is by the sun. We can be killed by fire, but our ashes have to be thoroughly separated. If they are not we
can reincarnate or be reborn in the same form. So please remember to return before sunrise my love. I plan on being with you
on the feeds and hunts, but just in case I can't be there remember. Well, the time for sleep is almost near. So, why don't
we retire for the night?" He looked at me expectantly, waiting again for me to speak.
"I don't see why we shouldn't. I want to ask you a question if it is not too much to ask."
"No love. Speak your questions to me and they will be answered if possible. I will always be willing to answer
anything for you."
"Do you truly love me as you say you do? I wish to know for I am curious of why you call me love."
"I love you with a love of eternity. You are like the stars and moon at night. They always brighten the night
and make it more beautiful for all. You are what brightens my night. Now if you will it we shall retire."
"Yes we shall. I am sure I will have time tomorrow." He lead me to the coffin and opened it wide. It contained
a bed of fine red silk and he told me not to fear and to sleep. I hesitated at first for I didn't like the idea of lying in
a coffin to sleep. I felt too closed in and felt that I may never come back out. To calm me down he spoke lovingly and soft.
"Don't fret love. It is nothing to fear. You will have one of your own soon, I am sure you know you must sleep
in a coffin to survive. So have no fear for I will be with you." With those last words I became drowsy and decided to go ahead
and sleep. I stepped in and he followed as a faithful pet would follow it's owner. The last I remember is him giving me one
last kiss and closing the lid.